This 7-Step 'Agency Growth Funnel' is the Exact Process our Certified Partners Use to Get Quality Clients Who Pay their Hefty Retainers Every Month

This 7-Step 'Agency Growth Funnel' is the Exact Process our Certified Partners Use to Get Quality Clients Who Pay their Hefty Retainers Every Month...

...even if you've never had a 'high retainer' client before.

Running a digital agency is not always as glamorous as it seems.

Truth is, most successful agency owners probably will never admit this…

…but at Digital Marketer, we have discovered that the level of frustration and overwhelm as an agency owner... directly proportional to the “retainer” fee your client is paying.

Smaller the fee, the bigger your headache.

The moment you sign an agreement with your “dream” client, more times than not your life turns into a nightmare.

You are forced to be constantly dealing with endless daily emails, phone calls, text messages.

On top of that you also have to manage your client’s

...unrealistic expectations
...constant micromanagement.
...asking "Why" about every line of your ads.
...asking for more ads and more 'research'.
...and your client might even try to replace you with a Saas tool.

Any of this sounds familiar?

If so, we got your back with our new free masterclass:

When you bring your client through our proven 7 Step onboarding process you can avoid these things…

...and learn how to be in 'massive demand' even with tools & technology that threatens to replace you every day.

Join us this coming Wednesday at 1PM (GMT +1) for a free online training…

When you save your seat to our 100% Free Online Training you’ll discover:

1. Our proven 7-step client sales and onboarding process we use at Digital Marketer to get quality, high paying clients.

2. The Simple Checklist that turns even your most stubborn prospects into high retainer clients.

3. The “Secret” to prospecting like a generalist… but charging like a specialist.

4. A simple little trick that filters out virtually all the “lookie loos” and “crazies” with unrealistic expectations…

5. How you can “SaaS-ify” your agency with passive, recurring revenue

Plus, how you can access and leverage all of Digital Marketer’s tools and branding to attract MORE of your ideal clients…

Join Ryan Deiss and Director of Sales Marcus Murphy on this Free training as they reveal how they use these exact tools and systems inside DigitalMarketer to…

...grow their high retainer and recurring revenue client base